Cylchlythyr 13.09.2024
Gofal am ddysgu, dysgu am ofal
Caring for learning, learning to care
Bwletin y Pennaeth
The Head's Bulletin
Croeso i fwletin pennaeth Ysgol Bryn Onnen, lle dathlwn bleserau addysg gynradd! Fel pennaeth yr ysgol wych hon, mae’n anrhydedd i mi rannu gyda chi’r digwyddiadau cyffrous, y straeon ysbrydoledig, a’r gwersi amhrisiadwy sy’n digwydd yn ein hystafelloedd dosbarth a’n cymuned. O’n hathrawon ymroddedig i’n myfyrwyr brwdfrydig, rydym yn ymdrechu i feithrin diwylliant o ddysgu, twf a charedigrwydd sy’n grymuso ein myfyrwyr i gyrraedd eu llawn botensial. Ymunwch â ni ar y daith hon wrth i ni archwilio byd addysg gynradd a’r posibiliadau diddiwedd sydd ganddo.
Welcome to the head's bulletin of Ysgol Bryn Onnen, where we celebrate the joys of primary school education! As the headteacher of this wonderful school, I am honored to share with you the exciting happenings, inspiring stories, and invaluable lessons that take place within our classrooms and community. From our dedicated teachers to our enthusiastic students, we strive to cultivate a culture of learning, growth, and kindness that empowers our students to reach their full potential. Join us on this journey as we explore the world of primary education and the endless possibilities it holds.