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Cylchlythyr 22.11.24





Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,


Mae’r wythnos yma wedi bod yn un dawel, heb law am yr eira! Felly, cylchlythyr byr sydd yr wythnos hon.


Ymweliad Blwyddyn 5 a 6 i Amgueddfa Aberhonddu





Dyddiadau pwysig


17.12.2024      Cyngerdd Nadolig

18.12.2024      Parti Nadolig Meithrin – Bl 2

19.12.2024      Parti Nadolig Bl 3 - 6

20.12.2024      Diwrnod Olaf y Tymor



Disgybl yr wythnos


Meithrin          Indie

Sbarc               Oakley-Joe

Seren               Hunter

Blwyddyn 3    Macsen

Blwyddyn 4    Freya

Blwyddyn 6    Thomas


Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos


Meithrin          Rocco

Sbarc                Minnie-Rose

Seren               William

Blwyddyn 3    Jude

Blwyddyn 4    Louis

Blwyddyn 5     Skyla

Blwyddyn 6     Brooke



Dear Parent / Guardian,



Quite a short newsletter this week as we’ve had a quiet week – apart from the snow!! Over the next few weeks our focus will shift towards Christmas and practicing for our Christmas Concert.


Year 5 and 6 visit to the Royal Welsh Regimental Museum in  Brecon





What an amazing trip! We started our experience by meeting our tour guides who then led us in to the first room which showcased many different types of army uniform and little things like ration books and arm bands. I was personally very intrigued by the drums that were set up above the display cabinets. We then made our way upstairs to the next room which showed a timeline of the events that happened during the period of the wars. We then played a computer game on the screen where you had to help out people such as air raid patrol officers and villagers.



When we made it back downstairs where we were given clipboards with a sheet of questions and had to answer in small groups. The sheet included questions and bits where we had to find things around the room in order to get the answer. We then split into small groups and went outside into the Anderson shelter. I couldn’t even imagine how scared I would be if   I had to sleep in a shelter, just waiting for the bombs to finish. The final room was a roleplay room where there were different areas for us to pretend. In the first area was a shop where we had to weigh the items and we could be customers and shopkeepers. The next was a dining room table with all sorts of old fashioned games. Next to that was an area to try the clothes washing equipment from the 1930’s. The last area showed items like an air raid siren and a gas mask alarm. The museum itself was amazing and it captured so much history from that period. On the bus back to school I stopped for a minute and realised how important it is to experience museums like that one and remember how important it is to learn about everything in history.


Florence – Year 6


Important Dates


17.12.2024      Christmas Concert

18.12.2024      Nursery – Year 2 Christmas Party

18.12.20024    Christmas dinner served in the canteen

19.12.2024      Years 3-6 Christmas Party

20.12.2024      Last Day of Term – school will close at 3 30 for all pupils



Disgybl yr wythnos


Meithrin          Indie

Sbarc               Oakley-Joe

Seren               Hunter

Blwyddyn 3    Macsen

Blwyddyn 4    Freya

Blwyddyn 6    Thomas


Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos


Meithrin          Rocco

Sbarc                Minnie-Rose

Seren               William

Blwyddyn 3    Jude

Blwyddyn 4    Louis

Blwyddyn 5     Skyla

Blwyddyn 6     Brooke





Mwynhewch y penwythnos.


Enjoy the weekend!


Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,


Mr. Rh ap Gwyn

 Pennaeth / Headteacher


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