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Cwestiynau Cyffredin

Frequently Asked Questions

Sut mae cofrestru fy mhlentyn ar gyfer Ysgol Bryn Onnen?
How do I sign my child up for Ysgol Bryn Onnen?

Cyngor Torfaen sy'n penderfynu ar y disgyblion sy'n cael eu derbyn i'r ysgol. Fel arfer, mae rhieni'n cysylltu â'r ysgol yn uniongyrchol yn y lle cyntaf. Trefnir cyfarfod gyda'r Pennaeth a rhoddir taith o amgylch yr ysgol. Cynghorir rhieni i gysylltu â Thîm Mynediad i’r Ysgol yr Awdurdod Lleol. Ar ôl derbyn a phrosesu'r cais, bydd yr Awdurdod Lleol yn cysylltu â'r rhieni gyda naill ai gynnig neu wrthod lle yn yr ysgol. Am fanylion pellach, cyfeiriwch at lawlyfr ‘Mynediad i Ysgolion - Cyngor Torfaen’ sydd i’w gweld ar eu gwefan.

Torfaen Council decide on the pupils who are admitted to the school. Usually parents contact the school directly in the first instance. A meeting with the Head teacher will be arranged and a guided tour of the school given. The school then advises the parents to contact the Local Authority’s Admissions Team. After receiving and processing the application, the Admissions Team then contacts the parents with either an offer or a refusal of place in the school. See a copy of ‘Admissions to Schools – Torfaen Council’ for further details which can be found on their website.

A allaf drefnu ymweliad ysgol?

Can I schedule a school visit?

Rydym yn croesawu ymweliadau gan rieni a theuluoedd. Cysylltwch â swyddfa'r ysgol neu'r Pennaeth i archebu taith (

We welcome visits from parents and families. Contact the school office or Head to book a tour (

Beth yw oriau'r ysgol?

What are the school's hours?

Dosbarth Derbyn hyd at Flwyddyn 6 | Reception Class through to Year 6



Dosbarth Meithrin Bore | Morning Nursery Class



Dosbarth Meithrin Prynhawn | Afternoon Nursery Class


Beth yw gwisg Addysg Gorfforol yr ysgol?

What is the school Physical Education kit?

Mae’r wisg Addysg Gorfforol yn cynnwys siorts du / gwaelodion loncian, crys-t gwyn a esgidiau ymarfer addas.

Er mwyn cynnal safonau hylendid personol derbyniol mae'n ofynnol i ddisgyblion Derbyn, Blynyddoedd 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a 6 bod mewn gwisg fel yr uchod ar gyfer gwersi Addysg Gorfforol. Daw disgyblion i'r ysgol yn eu gwisg ymarfer corff ar y diwrnodau penodedig ar gyfer gwersi eu dosbarthiadau.

Physical Education kit is to be black shorts / jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and suitable foot wear. In order to maintain acceptable standards of personal hygiene the pupils of Reception, Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are required to be in suitable attire for Physical Education lessons. Pupils come to school in their PE kit on the specified days for their classes' lessons.

Ysgol Bryn Onnen, Y Farteg, Pontypwl, Torfaen, NP4 7RT
Ffon -Telephone: 01495 772284
E-bost - Email:

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