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Cylchlythyr 13.09.2024




Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,


Casglu Sbwriel


Mae Ffrindiau Bryn Onnen yn gweithio yn galed i gasglu arian ar gyfer cit chwaraeon i’r ysgol.

Yn ystod y gwyliau bu Rudi a Layne yn brysur yn casglu sbwriel yn yr ardal leol er mwyn codi arian tuag at y cit. Da iawn Layne a Rudi.




Llongyfarchiadau i Iwan ar gael ei ddewis i fod yn aelod o garfan pel-dreod Next Gen. Bydd cyfle i Iwan chwarae yn erbyn caerdydd, Abertawe a chlybiau mawr eraill.



Dyddiadau Pwysig


26.9.24            Brechiad ffliw

7.10.24            Lluniau ysgol

11.10.24          Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd

25.10.24          Hanner tymor


Pupil of the week


Meithrin          Mabel

Sbarc               Reo

Seren               Marcie

Blwyddyn 3    Thea-May

Blwyddyn 4    Elijah

Blwyddyn 5    Jacob G

Blwyddyn 6    Colby


Welsh Speaker of the week


Meithrin          Caelan

Sbarc               Kariad

Seren               Tobyn

Blwyddyn 3    Marley

Blwyddyn 4    Abby

Blwyddyn 5    Isbaelle a Laney-Del

Blwyddyn 6    Noah



Dear Parent / Guardian,


Sponsored Rubbish Collection


Ffrindiau Ysgol Bryn Onnen (PTA) are working very hard to raise money to buy new sports kit for the school. Throughout the summer Layne and Rudi have been busy raising sponsorship money by collecting 20 bags of rubbish from the local area. Well done to the boys for raising the money and improving the local environment.




Congratulations to Iwan in Year 4 who has been selected for the Nex Gen football academy. This means he will have games against academy sides form Cardiff City, Swansea City and a host of other top clubs over the coming year.


Da iawn Iwan.






Can all parents who shop at ASDA please sign up for Cashpot for Schools. We have already raised £120 for the school since it started in August.



National Fitness Day


Wednesday 18.9.24 is National Fitness Day. To celebrate and to promote fitness and wellbeing we will be holding an Ysgol Bryn Onnen fitness day.


Pupils should wear sports clothing to school on Wednesday – this can be PE kit but can also be sports clothing or team kits.

We will have a focus on fitness and wellbeing in our lessons.



Outdoor Area


Millie has been very busy over the summer holidays improving the outdoor classroom outside Dosbarth Sbarc (Rec/Y1) and Dosbarth Seren (Y1/Y2).


To complete the work we will be building a fence around the area to keep all pupils safe.

All of the building material have been very kindly donated by RJL builders which means that we can use more of our funding on equipment for the children.

We are very grateful to RJL Builders for their support.



On Sunday, September 22nd we would be very grateful if any families are able to support with constructing the fence.

The more people that help the quicker and easier it will be to complete the work.

We plan to start at 10 30. Please come and help, even if you can only help for 1 hour.



Key Dates for the Rest of Term


26.9.24            Flu vaccine delivery

7.10.24            Individual and family photos

11.10.24          School Closed – training day

25.10.24          Last day before half-term holiday



Pupil of the week


Meithrin          Mabel

Sbarc               Reo

Seren               Marcie

Blwyddyn 3    Thea-May

Blwyddyn 4    Elijah

Blwyddyn 5    Jacob G

Blwyddyn 6    Colby


Welsh Speaker of the week


Meithrin          Caelan

Sbarc               Kariad

Seren               Tobyn

Blwyddyn 3    Marley

Blwyddyn 4    Abby

Blwyddyn 5    Isbaelle a Laney-Del

Blwyddyn 6    Noah




Mwynhewch y penwythnos.


Enjoy the weekend!


Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,


Mr. Rh ap Gwyn

 Pennaeth / Headteacher

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