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Cylchlythyr 8.12.23


Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,

Cinio Nadolig

Mwynahodd pawb eu cinio Nadolig ar ddydd Mercher. Diolch yn fawr i Paula a’r staff arwlyo am baratoi gwledd ar ein cyfer.

Sioeau Nadolig

Bydd 2 berfformiad o bob sioe. Bydd sioeau y bore yn dechrau am 10 00 a sioeau y prynhawn am 2 00.

Dyddiadau Pwysig/Diwedd y Tymor

Rhagfyr 11eg Cyngerdd Bl 4,5 a 6

Rhagfyr 12ed Cyngerdd Bl 2

Rhagfyr 13eg Cyngerdd Bl 1 a 2

Rhagfyr 14eg Cyngerdd Meithrin a Derbyn

Rhagfyr 22ain Diwrnod olaf y tymor. Bydd yr Ysgol yn gorffen am 3 30.


Ionawr 8ed Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd

Ionawr 9ed Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd

Ionawr 10ed Dechrau Tymor

Chwefror 12ed – 16eg Hanner Tymor

Mawrth 25ain – Ebrill 5ed Gwyliau y Pwyg

Ebrill 8ed Hyfforddiant Mewn Swydd

Ebrill 9ed Dechrau Tymor

Dear Parent / Guardian,

Christmas Concerts

Remember our Christmas Concerts next week. We still have a small number of tickets available from the office at £2 each.

Morning performances will start at 10 00 and afternoon performances 2 00.

Christmas Dinner

Everyone enjoyed their Christmas dinner on Wednesday. A big thank you to Paula and all the catering staff for preparing a wonderful lunch.

Christmas Fayre

A huge thank you to everyone who attended and contributed towards our wonderful Christmas Fayre. The PTA have raised over £300 already from Christmas activities. This doesn’t include money raised from selling tickets to the concerts.

Pupils worked really hard during the week to cook and make crafts to sell at the fayre. Here are a few examples.

Important Dates/End of Term Arrangements

December 11th Year 4,5 and 6 Christmas Concerts.

December 12th Year2 concert

December 13th Year 1 and 3 concert

December 14th Meithrin/Derbyn Concerts

December 22nd Last day of term. This will be a mufti day for all pupils. It is not “toy day”, please do not let your child(ren) bring toys to school.

School will finish at 3 30 as usual.


January 8th Teacher training day

January 9th Teacher training day

January 10th First day back for all pupils

Chwefror 12th – 16th Half-term holiday

March 25th – April 5th Easter Holiday

April 8th Teacher training day

April 9th First day back for all pupils

Mwynhewch y penwythnos.

Enjoy the weekend!

Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,

Mr. Rh ap Gwyn

Pennaeth / Headteacher

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