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Cylchlythyr 25.10.2024





Annwyl Riant / Warcheidwad,



Gwyliau Hanner Tymor


Cofiwch fod hanner tymor wythnos nesaf. Bydd yr ysgol yn ail-agor i ddisgyblion ar Tachwedd 4ydd.


Gwisg Ysgol


Hoffwn atgoffa teuluoedd o wisg ysgol ysgol Bryn Onnen. Dylai pawb wisgo crys polo coch a chrys chwys neu gardigan  glas. Gellir gwisgo trowsus, sgert neu siorts glas neu ddu.

Does dim raid i’r wisg ddangos bathodyn yr ysgol.

Ni ddylai disgyblion wisgo siwmperi a logos.


Cyfarfodydd Cynnydd


Byddwn yn cynnal cyfarfodydd cynnydd ar Tachwedd yr 11eg a 12ed. Bydd apwyntiadau yn cael eu danfon ar ol y gwyliau.




Brechiad ffliw


Bydd staff o’r bwrdd iechyd yn dychwelyd i’r ysgol ar Dachwedd y 6ed i roi brechiad ffliw i ddisgyblion oedd wedi methu y frechiad y tro diwethaf.


I roi caniatad ar gyfer eich plentyn, dilynwch y linc isod.



Pel-droed yr Urdd


Ar ddydd Iau'r 24ain o Hydref bu rhai o blant blynyddoedd 3 a 4 yn chwarae pêl droed yng nghystadleuaeth gymysg yr URDD yn stadiwm Cwmbrân. Chwaraewyd 5 gem, gan ennill un o 8 gol i 1 a cholli 4 gem agos gyda sgoriau o 2-1, 2-0, 2-0, a 6-4. Roedd y garfan yn un ddibrofiad iawn - dim ond 5 allan o'r 10 oedd erioed wedi chwarae gem gystadleuol o'r blaen - a gall pob un ohonynt deimlo'n hynod o falch o'i ymdrechion a'u llwyddiant.

Diolch unwaith eto i'r rhieni a helpodd gyda chludo a chefnogi ar y diwrnod. Bydden ni ddim yn gallu gwneud heb eich cymorth.


Dyddiadau pwysig



4.11.24            Ysgol yn ail agor

20.11.24          Ffair lyfrau Scholastic

17.12.24          Cyngerdd Nadolig

18.12.24          Parti Nadolig Meithrin, Derbyn, Bl 1 a 2

19.12.24          Parti Nadolig Bl 3,4,5 a 6

20.12.24          Diwrnod olaf y tymor.




Disgybl yr wythnos


Meithrin          Winston

Sbarc               Xander 

Seren               Elizabeth O’L

Blwyddyn 3    Archeigh

Blwyddyn 4    Oliver C

Blwyddyn 5    Elizabeth C

Blwyddyn 6    Connah


Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos


Meithrin          Amaya-Rose

Sbarc               Caitirin

Seren               Osian

Blwyddyn 3    Ellis

Blwyddyn 4    Amelia

Blwyddyn 5     Fred

Blwyddyn 6     Evie


Dear Parent / Guardian,


Half-term Holiday


Remember next week is half term, school is closed for the week. School will re-open for all pupils on Monday, November 4th.


School Uniform


A reminder to families of our school uniform;

Pupils should wear a red polo shirt and navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan. Pupils should wear blue, black or grey trousers.

School clothes do not have to have the school badge on them.


However, we do not allow jumpers or hoodies with large, company logos.


Progress Meetings


There will be Progress Meetings for all classes on Monday, November 11th and Tuesday November 12th. Appointments will be sent to families after half-term.



Flu Vaccine


The Health Board will be returning to school to provide flu vaccines for any children who missed out last time on November 6th.


If you would like your child to receive the flu vaccine/nasal spray on November 6th, please use the link below to register.


The online consent form and additional information can be found here:  


Urdd Football Tournament


On Thursday the 24th of October a squad of 10 year 3 & 4 children represented the school at the URDD mixed football tournament. Despite their inexperience - only 5 of the 10 having played competitive matches previously - they performed admirably. An exciting opening game which would have graced any episode of Match of the Day began with the opposition - Pantside Primary - taking an early 2 goal lead. Bryn Onnen fought back with 3 quick goals to lead 3-2. The game continued with more twists than a bowl of spaghetti leaving Pantside as eventual winners of the 6-4 thriller. A much calmer game followed, with Bryn Onnen on the wrong side of a 2-0 scoreline versus Fochriw Primary. If the Bryn Onnen squad's spirits were down it didn't show as they promptly demolished Ysgol Bro Sannan in game three by a score of 8-1! This proved to be the highlight of the day for the team as the competitive but unsuccessful results returned in games 4 and 5, losing 2-0 to Ysgol Penalltau before a final 2-1 defeat at the hands of Glyn-Gaer primary.

All 10 of the squad should be very proud of themselves. Special mentions for Iwan G with hat-tricks in both game 1 and game 3, Frankie for his 4 goal haul in game 3 and Louis for his defensive heroics in games 4 and 5. Noah and Sonny showed their experience throughout and were a great example for younger players like Jack and Ethan who both showed great enthusiasm and promise when they took to the pitch. Finally, fabulous work from all three of our year 3 girls - Connie, Dolly-Jane and Alys - all playing for the first time and you were all brilliant!


Da iawn pawb! Mr. Lucas


Civic Award


Many of you will already know about Rudi and Layne’s fabulous effort to collect litter in the local community over the summer. They also raised funds for the school whilst doing this and our sports teams will soon be wearing a fabulous new kit.


This week the boys were given a Civic Award at a special reception at the Civic Centre, awarded by Councillor Hunt.


We are all very proud of both.



Important dates


4.11.24            School starts after half-term

11.11.24          Progress Meetings

12.11.24          Progress Meetings

20.11.24          Scholastic Book Fair

17.12.24          Christmas concert

18.12.24          Meithrin, Reception, Y1 and Y 2 Christmas party

19.12.24          Year 3,4,5 and 6 Christmas Party

20.12.24          Last day of term. School finishes at 3 30.



Disgybl yr wythnos


Meithrin          Winston

Sbarc               Xander 

Seren               Elizabeth O’L

Blwyddyn 3    Archeigh

Blwyddyn 4    Oliver C

Blwyddyn 5    Elizabeth C

Blwyddyn 6    Connah


Siaradwr Cymraeg yr wythnos


Meithrin          Amaya-Rose

Sbarc               Caitirin

Seren               Osian

Blwyddyn 3    Ellis

Blwyddyn 4    Amelia

Blwyddyn 5     Fred

Blwyddyn 6     Evie




Mwynhewch y penwythnos.


Enjoy the weekend!


Yr eiddoch yn gywir / Yours sincerely,


Mr. Rh ap Gwyn

 Pennaeth / Headteacher

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